Our curriculum intent is to develop students' interest and understanding of the real world, to better prepare them for their future lives as consumers, employees, entrepreneurs and citizens with sound Christian values. Economic & Business education at Christ the King College aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be successful global citizens, with an enhanced understanding and keen interest in the real world. As well as key concepts and theories, students should develop the skills to analyse issues, weigh up arguments, solve problems and make justified decisions. We want our students to appreciate the dynamic nature of Business and Economics as an academic discipline Students have the opportunity to progress through GCSE and A Level studies and will effectively prepared for under-graduate study.
Literacy and Numeracy in Business
Students use their applied numeracy skills in calculating percentages, exchange rates, cashflows and profits etc. Students will use a variety of resources including news articles, company website information and other materials to enhance their literacy skills.
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13