Admissions To Christ The King College

Admission to our new year 7 intake 2025 

Admission to Christ the King College is in line with the school’s admission criteria which are published annually. Admission arrangements for students transferring from primary to secondary school in September are co-ordinated by the Local Authority.

For further details please read Admission Arrangements for Year 7 - September 2025, available via the button below.




To apply for a place in this intake you must complete the admission form in our Compass System, details below on how to access this, in addition to the Isle of Wight Council application form which is found using this link


If you DONT already have a Compass account please use this link


If you DO already have a Compass account you will need to log into the Compass portal and go to the Family & Enrolments link which can be found under the cogwheel icon when accessing in a web browser.
Or in the app, it can be found by clicking on the 3 lines for More, then on the Family & Enrolments tile.

Once you have accessed this area, you will need to create a new Student profile, then proceed to make an application.


National Offer day is Monday 3rd March 2025.



How many pupils will be in Year 7?

A: Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 180.

What Extra Curricular Activities do you offer?

A: We offer a full programme of clubs which include: Dance Live, school productions, Art, computing, a variety of sporting activities (including football, rugby, basketball, netball, cricket, rounders), DT and art activities, along with revision sessions for our exam year groups.

What makes Christ the King College stand out from the other schools?

A: Christ the King College is a large secondary school, employing a range of specialist teachers. This allows a broad and balanced curriculum across each key stage. The GCSE options are vast and support pathways for all learners. The post-16 provision again supports various pathways with the wide range of A-Level and Vocational subjects. 

Alongside the curriculum the school encompasses a strong community feeling and has a distinctive Christian ethos at the heart of the education. There is a discreet PSHE subject in every year group ensuring that students leave school as well rounded citizens.

How does the school handle bullying?

A: Bullying is not acceptable in any setting. At Christ the King College we define bullying as sustained or repetitive actions. The issue of bullying is always addressed and publicly acknowledged by staff and students in an open forum such as Worship, Form Tutor periods, Citizenship, RE lessons and group discussions;

We take part in National Anti-Bullying Week every year and we closely monitor bullying through questionnaires to obtain the student voice.

Students are made aware of what to do if they are being bullied right from the start of Year 7. Staff are alert to the possibilities and locations of potential bullying and all staff are responsible for minimising opportunities for bullying within their own classroom. Any incident of bullying is taken seriously, responded to and followed up to ensure that our students feel safe and listened to.

What is the average class size?

A: Approximately 27 students, however, this may rise to 30 depending on the year group size.

What subjects are you able to offer at GCSE, in particular which BTECs etc?

A: We offer a wide range of subjects at GCSE such as business studies, photography, fine art, design technology, PE as well as BTEC's in Sport, Travel and Tourism, Health and Social Care and Child development.

How do you promote the arts in your school?

A: Within the curriculum we have a wide range of opportunities within the arts, leading to GCSEs and A-Level choices in fine art, design technology, performing arts, media, dance, graphics, food technology, photography, textiles and music.

Outside the curriculum we have been awarded the Arts Mark due to our wide range of provision and participation in Art based initiatives and performances. Prior to Covid 19 we have regularly participated in Global Rock and Dance Live as well as hosting in-school productions such as Madagascar, Matilda, Into the Woods and Mary Poppins. We look forward to being able to resume our wide range of extra-curricular in the art opportunities in the near future.

Are children placed into ability sets?

A: Our students work in mixed ability class in the majority of subjects until Year 9. At this point they are placed in ability sets for some subjects such as maths. Sets at this stage are not strict 'high to low' however, as we recognise that our students have very varied strengths and weaknesses. At this stage, subjects that do have 'set', usually use a model where there is a 'top/ set, and then parallel ability classes.

At GCSE, setting is often more formal to correspond with the tiers on entry in many GCSE subjects.

The school is now very large, how can you be certain all the students' welfare is being taken into consideration?

A: At Christ the King College we have a strong system of pastoral care. Every child has a form teacher who is with them all year and is the main contact for both children and parents if issues arise concerning their welfare. We also have a dedicated team around the form teacher, consisting of a Head of Year, pastoral support assistant, and family liaison officer all of whom will support the family and the child wherever help is needed. We pride ourselves on really knowing our students and, despite the school being daily large, we are tight knit community who work together to help and support each other.

How do you deal with poor behaviour?

A: Every child is entitled to learn in a positive academic environment. Our priority is to ensure that we provide this for our children. Some children struggle with accepting our high standards of discipline and we have a variety of sanctions in place to support these children and their families. Every student knows and understands our rewards and consequences procedures and these are also shared with parents. If a class is unable to learn due to poor behaviour of an individual, the child concerned is removed and specific sanctions are put in place. We believe everyone deserves an opportunity to change their behaviour and will always work together to ensure that this is possible.

What opportunities are provided to enter into further education or apprenticeship linked to career choice?

A: We have a programme of support available to all students to support them in making decisions regarding their next steps. Our specialist team can provide more individualised support as well as required. We take all Year 12 students to a large HE and careers fair in Winchester every year and do all we can to support them in accessing work experience and work related learning.

How much of the SATs result counts towards getting accepted (and what is the threshold if applicable)?

A: The SATs have no bearing on acceptance into Christ the King College. The school is truly inclusive and admissions is not related to prior attainment.

Has the school's financial situation adversely affected the budget in practical subjects such as science, PE and the arts?

A: The short answer is no. At Christ the King we have protected resourced budgets so that departments have access to the equipment and resources they require to deliver high quality teaching and learning.

One of the benefits of moving into a new build is that we do not have high infrastructure, repair and maintenance costs compared with ither schools, these economies allow us to continue to resource the school well.

What do you do to help the children feel safe in school?

A: Our form tutors take an active role in the wellbeing of their tutees and liaising with parents. We have Head of Year and Pastoral Support who look to provide additional support outside the classroom as well as an excellent learning support team who cater for children's additional learning needs as well as dealing with day to day worries and anxieties all designed to help the students feel safe and secure at Christ the King College. We also have a dedication STOP initiative where students are encouraged to be confident in coming forward to report concerns or worries regarding issues such as bullying. In addition we have support staff who monitor break and lunchtimes to create a safe, positive and secure environment.

Is the sixth form provision going to continue at CTK?

A: The sixth form provision is an integral part of Christ the King College. We will continue to offer a faith based education from 11-19 on the Christ the King site as part of its foundation and commitment to the two disceses and the community it serves.

How do you support and enrich learning for students that are a little ahead of their peers?

A: The curriculum is mapped to a comprehensive age related expectation (ARE) framework which outlines skills, knowledge and understanding (SKU) in each subject discipline. The framework includes three areas which encompass; developing, secure and exceeding skills. If a child is exceeding their age related expectations this will enrich them with exposure to high level thinking and stretch and challenge in the classroom.

Is there an opportunity to play in a band/learn instruments?

A: We have peripatetic music teachers coming into College to teach our students and support our music department.

What communication systems are there to link parents in with key staff and how do they change as the children age up through the school?

A: We have a number of communication systems that include direct emails with form tutors as well as subject teachers. There are formal parents evenings which provide opportunity for subject specific feedback as well as data reports and a full written report commenting on your child's progress. As your child progresses through the College towards GCSE and A-Levels there are designated information evenings that provide opportunities to speak with subject specific staff about options and pathways. Other methods also include text message, parents gateway app, Edulink Parents app as well as formal letters, medletters and the College website.