Key Stage 5
At Key Stage Five, we provide students with the opportunity to follow programmes comprising of A-levels and other level 3 options . Our focus is for our students to develop a greater sense of independence as part of a high challenge, high support community with student voice at its heart.
Students that have demonstrated, at Key stage Four, that they have the potential for further study are able to choose from a wide range of subjects including both A levels and more vocational courses (subject to demand, viability, staffing, timetabling and individual GCSE grades).
As part of the enrichment and tutorial programme in Years 12 and 13, students follow a curriculum dedicated to careers advice that provides help, support and guidance. This allows our students to select Higher Education courses and other alternatives such as high quality apprenticeships that enable them to follow their personalised pathway, post -18 with a clear focus on life after Sixth Form.
We consider that wider opportunities in the Sixth Form are essential to the holistic development of our all of our students. Examples of wider opportunities on offer include: leading as role models in the community both inside and outside school, being part of an active academic and pastoral mentoring programme that supports students in Key stages Three and Four as well as being members of the Student Senior and Middle Leadership Team.
We pride ourselves on the level of academic and pastoral support given to our students. The Sixth Form Leadership Team and specialist form tutors work together to support, encourage and oversee the personal development and academic progress of all of our students in preparation for their individual futures, whether that is entry into the world of work, following an apprenticeship or preparing for University.