Key Stage 4
We offer a wide choice of subjects at KS4 so that students can choose from a range of accredited qualification to suit all abilities, interests and learning styles. We recognise that for some students we may have to work closely with other providers to develop a curriculum offer so they achieve their potential; this may be at a cost for some of the key performance indicators, but is in the best interest of the student.
We ensure that students follow a balanced curriculum which will equip them to compete in a rapidly changing world. All students follow courses in English, Maths, Science, RE; all but a very small number also study History or Geography. The vast majority of students are encouraged to take a modern foreign language; we aspire to have 75% or more of our students studying the Ebacc. Students may opt to study triple science, depending on their aptitude for the subject. This is delivered as an option.
Students are allocated additional time for English and Maths as these two subjects provide a foundation for all others.
KS4 option blocks are designed around student choice, with popular subjects in more than one option block. Some options with smaller student numbers may be protected to safeguard curriculum balance and support the school ethos.
Subjects studied at KS4 all lead to accredited qualifications and support progression post- 16.
Independent careers advice at key points helps to ensure that students are guided to towards the options and pathway which best suits their plans and aspirations. Students in KS4 are set according to academic ability in some core subjects. Options subjects are largely mixed ability.