Life in the Sixth Form

The College day
The college day consists of five one hour lessons, a 20 minute Form time and morning break as well as a 30 minute lunch break. The day starts at 08:50 am for students who have a lesson at 09:00. It finishes at 15:15 for students who have a lesson period 5. Sixth Form students may not be required to attend college until 11:00 if they have no am lessons.
The Timetable
Sixth Form students will likely have two to four hours of lessons a day and they can leave and re-enter the site flexibly between lesson times. Students will have five hours of lessons per subject per week in college. Sixth Form students also have one hour of enrichment every two weeks, one hour of PSHE every two weeks, and one supervised study period every two weeks on top of their curriculum time.
The Sixth Form students have use of facilities across the whole college. The Sixth Form Block was purpose built for Post 16 provision and students enjoy their own cafe, gym, library, hall and common room facilities in this building.
Assemblies and worships
Sixth Form students have one 20 minute assembly and one worship a week, together in the Sixth Form hall. The community also comes together a few times a year for special religious occasions. Students are encouraged to lead worship annually with their form.

Remote learning
We use the Google platform for remote learning at Christ the King College. All subjects have their own Google Classroom and teachers share their teaching resources and set work via this platform. We are ready to move immediately to live online provision should this ever be necessary.
Monitoring and support
There are many layers of support available to students in the Sixth Form. We have our own dedicated pastoral assistant, inhouse careers coordinator, specialist UCAS support and guidance for university application, specialised Sixth Form Tutor team, exams officer and attendance officer all available to provide wrap-around care and support for our students.
Sixth Form Dress Code
As stated in the full Sixth Form Prospectus, the high standards of appearance expected across the College continue into the Sixth Form. Whilst you are no longer required to wear the distinctive uniform of the main College, you are expected to dress in accordance with the Sixth Form Dress Code established though consultation with students, staff, parents and governors. We hope that you will be proud of your dress code and comfortable wearing it.
See the link below for full details of the Sixth Form Dress Code (day to day, sports and formal occassions)
Sixth Form Dress Code
The formal elements of the Sixth Form Dress Code and the Sportswear should be purchased from The Big White T-Shirt Co. in Newport.
Daish Way, Dodnor Industrial Estate, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5XB
Tel: 01983 532333
Open 9-5 Mon - Fri