

Safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone. As such all the staff in College have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This duty is placed upon the College by Section 175 of the Education Act 2002.

This means we have a Designated Safeguarding and Child Protection Team.

They can be contacted all the year round by email. The nominated Child Protection Governor is Mrs E Burden.

The health, safety and well-being of every child are our paramount concern. We listen to our students and take seriously what they tell us. If we are concerned that a child may be at risk from significant harm, we are required to refer our concerns onto Children’s Services, and the police if necessary. In some circumstances this may happen without the consent or knowledge of parents/carers. The College understands the anxiety that parents/carers feel when they are not told about a concern from the outset. The College follow legislation that aims to act in the best interests of the child.

The College also has a responsibility to act upon other concerns that they may have about a child’s welfare in circumstances where there are not suspicions of child abuse. Examples of this may be when a child is demonstrating inappropriate behavior, is involved in bullying, is failing to come to school, is expressing extreme views or where difficulties at home are having an effect upon the child’s well-being. However, this list is by no means exhaustive.

Our school has a safeguarding policy, which explains all the above in much more detail.


What does safeguarding cover?

Safeguarding covers numerous topics, many of which are interconnected, including:

  • Bullying
  • Child Exploitation
  • Domestic and Sexual violence/abuse
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Self-harm
  • Neglect
  • Prevent (Preventing Violent Extremism)
  • Substance Misuse
  • Violence Against Women and Girls (including FGM)
  • E-Safety


Safeguarding Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education


Useful Information

If you have concerns that a child is at risk of significant harm, you can contact Children’s Services on 0300 300 0117. If you think a child is in immediate danger, then call 999.

Below are links that can support both parents and students.

You can also visit the Adfam website to see a list of useful organisations with the link below:



IOW Children's Services Referral form

If for any reason you are concerned about a child and their welfare or well being and there is a need to refer this to Children's Services', completing an Inter agency referral form will be required. Please use the hyperlink below to access this.


For further details on what to do if you are worried about a child' please visit the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership's website

Mental Health and Wellbeing for Students and Parents

Online Support

There may be times when you or your child need to seek support but may feel you or they wish to speak to someone outside of school.

Nationally a variety of services are available and can be found on the Government website, however, below is a selection of some. A specific link below to more resources and services, even though these are for teachers and school staff, these are great resources for any adult to use or refer to. This includes links to advice and guidance, but not exclusively, on bullying, bereavement, resilience, sleep and online safety.

The links below are provided to signpost you to a range of providers who can offer guidance, advice and additional resources.



CAMHS Online Resources is a website for young people, carers and professional that pools together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and wellbeing. They also have a collection of websites for different needs and issues.

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They can help you take on any challenge you’re facing, from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. They offer online and social media support or a free, confidential helpline.

Boys in Mind provides resources aimed at helping reduce the stigma around male mental health issues.

Young Minds leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people.

Childline counselling service for children and young people provided by NSPCC. Tel: 0800 1111

Anna Freud Centre a children’s charity dedicated to providing training and support for mental health services, excellent resources.

Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people.

Charlie Waller Trust offer an amazing pool of resources and training for parents whose children struggle with mental health issues – from eating disorders to depression, self harm and anxiety – look out for their free webinars, well worth signing up for!

Talking Teenagers is a podcast series comprising interviews with experts designed to help parents and pastoral leaders with some of the key issues of raising teenagers in today’s world. They are brought to you in association with I Can & I Am.

Therapy Comics mental health resources using comics instead of text.

OCD Action is a national charity that provides support and information to anyone affected by OCD.

Happy Maps lots of information about health topics.

Calmzone a toolbox of calming activities from Childline.



Beat website dedicated to eating disorders.

Guide to UK FREE Eating Disorders Helplines



Anxiety UK offer advice and support for those suffering from anxiety and panic.



FRANK offers free confidential support and advice about drugs for young people.

Re-Solv is a charity working to end solvent abuse. They offer telephone, text email and online support.



Samaritans a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope. 24/7 helpline available. Tel 116 123

Harmless provides a range of services about self harm and suicide prevention including support, information and training to people who self harm, their friends and families.

National Self Harm Network offers support forums in a safe environment that can help people understand and manage self-harm.

Papyrus is a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

No Harm Done is a project run by Young Minds aimed at young people who self harm or are at risk of self harming, their parents and the professionals working with them.



Winston’s Wishes support children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling.

Cruse bereavement support via phone call, chat services.

HopeAgain is the youth website of Cruse, where you can learn from other young people how to cope with grief and feel less alone.

Good Grief bereavement support, practical and emotional support.


Last Updated October 2023


Please be reassured that if any member of your family or friend is experiencing a difficult time contact the College, during school hours, as there will always be someone who can help or guide.

Phone: 537070
