

Second Hand Uniform

We also offer the ability to purchase second hand uniform. If you are interested in purchasing any part of the uniform second hand please contact the College or complete the Google Form linked below and we will be able to assist with your requirements.



Uniform Changes For September 2023

For your information, further to consultation within the College community, Governors have ratified a few changes in the current Uniform dress-code, as follows:

  • Trousers - Students opting to wear trousers must wear BLACK trousers; grey trousers is no longer an option from September
  • Ties - All students must wear a College tie if they choose to wear a shirt which buttons up to the top. Students who opt to wear a 'blouse' do not have to wear a tie
  • Socks - White socks are not permitted; and socks are not permitted to be worn on top of tights or leggings
  • Shoes - Examples of the black shoes which are acceptable can be found here School Shoes


Christ The King College - Uniform for Students

Uniform can be ordered online through our uniform supplier Big Wight Tshirt using their website linked below.

Uniform Store 


Please click the button below for the Uniform Policy



General Information:

  • Makeup is not permitted although discreet makeup for year 10 & 11 is accepted to help our young students who may be sensitive with regards to their skin.
  • Long hair must be tied back for PE, Science and technology lessons, for health and safety reasons. "Extreme" hairstyles or colouring's are not permitted at Christ the King College.
  • Students are asked to carry their PE kit in a separate waterproof bag to prevent damage to exercise / text books etc. Large holdalls are a danger in cloakrooms and classrooms.
  • All items must be clearly labelled with the student's name.
  • Trainers are not to be worn in class or to and from College. They are for PE and Games, and lunchtime use only.
  • Please see the link below to view images of acceptable and unacceptable 'formal' College shoes.
  • Acceptable Shoes



  • One pair of plain stud earrings ( one per ear lobe) is allowed.
  • Watches are worn at student's risk.
  • One discreet nose piercing is permitted.