Higher Education and Training Application Support
At Christ the King we offer every student advice and guidance on the ‘next steps’ post Sixth Form. To do this we use an online platform called Unifrog. Unifrog is a one-stop-shop where students can easily explore their interests, then find and successfully apply for their next best step after Christ the King College.
Unifrog will help students explore their key interests and what career paths they can take to reach their goals!
Here are some tools available to them:

How can Unifrog help students?
Explore which subjects students would be interested in studying post-18 and how these choices can lead to different career paths and further education.
Discover and sign up to online courses in areas that they’re interested in.
Explore how to successfully apply to an apprenticeship or university course, including universities abroad.
Support in writing a CV and Cover letter.
Support in writing those crucial important personal statements.
Record key activities and achievements to use in your applications.
Unifrog ensures that Christ the King can successfully implement activities that contribute to the achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
“Good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.” (Gatsby)
“Those young people without social capital or home support suffer most from poor career guidance. ” (Gatsby)
“The Gatsby Benchmarks: a world-class standard for schools and colleges” (gov.uk)
Unifrog accounts
Every student will be given a unique account that they can use at any time, even on their mobile phones through the App.
Every student has a form tutor, who is able to help manage their progress and guide students in the writing of the most important personal statement, along with their subject teachers; who can upload subject references.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Gilly Harland via her email: gilly.harland@christthekingcollege.co.uk
and check out Unifrog’s website on the link below:
Admissions Tests
18 October:
BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)
Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)
19 October:
Engineering Admissions Assessment (ENGAA)
Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment (NSAA)
2 November:
Classics Admissions Test (CAT)
Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT)
Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT)
Oriental Languages Aptitude Test (OLAT)
Oxford English Literature Admissions Test (Oxford ELAT)
History Admissions Test (HAT)
Physics Aptitude Test (PAT)
Philosophy Test
Thinking Skills Assessment Section 1 (TSA S1)
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA)
Important registration dates:
1 September: Registration opens
16 September: Deadline to apply for modified papers (e.g. enlarged print)
30 September at 18:00 (BST): Final deadline for test centres to register candidates
Deadline to apply for Access Arrangements (e.g. extra time)
Deadline for withdrawing entries
Deadline for requesting a bursary voucher (further information will be available on our website).
Please note, late entries will not be accepted.
For more information on the changes to the registration window and test dates, please read this article.
Test formats
For 2022 all tests will be paper-based.
Please note for 2023, there will be a mixed delivery of computer-based and paper-based.
Test registration fees
There are candidate registration fees for the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) and the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA). As a centre, it is your responsibility to collect these fees from the test-takers. We will then invoice you at the end of the booking window.
Registration fees for BMAT – October 2022
Registration fee within the UK and EU: £75/€88
Registration fee outside the EU: £100/$137
Registration fees for TMUA - October 2022
Registration fee within the UK and EU: £75/€88
Registration fee outside the EU: £100/$137
You can find more information about the administration of our admissions tests on our support site. Please submit a request via our support site if you have any questions.
Applying for University/apprenticeships
At Christ the King we support those who want to go to university through the entire process. Please see below the timeline that is available to students to ensure that their applications are efficiently submitted via UCAS.
UCAS Timeline
The first deadline to keep in mind. For those looking to apply to Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses, applications need to be completed and submitted via UCAS. This means ALL aspects of your application – including your reference from teachers.
Deadline for almost all applications. If you want to make sure your application is given equal consideration by universities, today is the day you have to submit the final product to UCAS.
UCAS Extra opens. If you applied by the January 15th deadline, used all of your five options, but don’t hold any offers, UCAS Extra could be for you. UCAS Extra gives candidates who haven’t secured a place a chance to add another option to their application.
If you applied by the January 15th deadline, universities have until today to reply to you. If you do not hear back from them about your application by the end of today, UCAS will decline the application on their behalf.
Last date to apply for UCAS Extra. If you miss this deadline, you can still apply via clearing on the date of your results.
A-Level results published. Clearing vacancies will be displayed in the Clearing search tool on UCAS from today. If you receive results that are better than you were expecting you may use ‘Adjustment’ via UCAS to apply to Universities with higher grade entries.
The deadline for any remaining conditions to be met – otherwise the university or college might not accept the applicant – this day also marks the end of Adjustment.
Final deadline for all applications. Application must arrive at UCAS by 18:00 (UK time).
The deadline for adding Clearing choices, and for universities and colleges to accept applications through Clearing.
Within college we have a timetable that is based upon the one set by UCAS that allows students to be fully prepared well in advance of the UCAS deadline. We encourage all students to abide by these deadlines to ensure an efficient and effective process.
Parents Guide to University
Click the link below to view the UCL parents guide to university study